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Harness the power of the Quality of Motivation    theory to increase productivity and improve safety.




Benchmarking & Hiring

Most employers are focused on a prospective employee’s competence and character (can they and will they do the job). What is neglected, most often, is the employee’s mindset and motivation. Most often “skills” are hired. By not addressing whether those skills will fit into the culture and its “rewards systems” the company creates a greater opportunity for turnover, job dissatisfaction, diminishing engagement and poor productivity.


Onboarding and Performance

90% of America’s companies do not provide clarity on career paths, growth and development opportunities and collaborative objectives that will engage their employees. The reason is simple – they simply do not understand what motivations the person brings to the workplace and therefore cannot direct those motivations to produce the rewards that enhance performance. Only human data (people metrics) can provide that. The Quality of Motivation® Batteries are the only assessment tools known that actually measure those motivations and predict the rewards that guarantee job satisfaction.


Promotion and Rentention

Many decades ago the “Peter Principle” illustrated that many people are promoted beyond their capacity to perform, i. e. good salesmen do not always make good sales managers. Motivational data predicts with uncanny accuracy what track will bring the greatest satisfaction in tasks and environments necessary to keep the employee engaged. You no longer have to wonder about whether there is job satisfaction in the career

Safe Working Environments

A significant portion of work in manufacturing, transportation and services places employees at risk. As an employee grew up and matured they developed motivational “skill sets” that cause them to be more or less risk adverse. These “skills” are measurable and predictable. The company can protect its employees and reduce their liability by ensuring that each employee does not exceed their risk factor. For those with deep industry knowledge and expertise the QoMSI provides you with the exact prescription to deprogram those counterproductive skills.



QoMSI is America’s leading resource center for research and application of employee motivation. Most assessment companies try to define the behaviors and “characterize” whether an individual is appropriate for a specific job. At QoMSI we pinpoint the type of work mentality and rewards system that will produce sustained success for the individual AND the corporate culture. By zeroing in on what motivates the employee, we eliminate the wide variables accompanying most employee’s (68%) behavioral subjectivity.



Our team brings over 100 years of experience from the fields of Organizational Development, Human Resource and Executive management business consultancies, counseling and social work from virtually every industry. Those backgrounds are combined with the academic rigor necessary to ensure the psychometric data (people metrics) is applied scientifically but with real-life, on-the-job applicability to ensure that they meet the needs in today’s corporate environments.





Improvement measured in recent engagement



Reduction in workplace accidents documented in study



Years of experience on QoMSI team





For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 800-205-7624 or fill out the following form

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Head Office

Quality of Motivation Services International, LLC

2970 Greenvalley Road

Snellville, GA  30078

Tel: 800-205-7624

Contact Us: 800-205-7624

© 2017 by Quality of Motivation Services International, LLC

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